Seven Twin Flame Stages You Don’t Want To Miss

by Janet Elaine
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When I was researching twin flames and twin flame relationships many years ago, a lot of the information I found was only about the romantic side of things like relationships or dating issues.

Other sources provided information on self-improvement, self-love, and how to overcome various personal issues such as fears, anxieties, and insecurities that supposedly speed up the Twin Flame’s reunion.

While it is always beneficial to examine and evaluate one’s emotions, work on old wounds, and eventually heal them, very often, the sacred meaning of the twin flame union is overlooked.

Many of us are not in touch with our Spirit, our soul selves, resulting in a great disconnect between conscious awareness and the subconscious.

Twin flame partnership is not only about dating or romance, it is, first and foremost, about spiritual connection and connection with a Higher Soul or Oversoul (in transcendentalism it is a supreme reality or mind; the spiritual unity of all beings). A twin flame union’s higher calling must take place first for it to work. I believe that connecting with our Higher Soul bridges the gap between conscious awareness and the subconscious.

I am going to explore the seven most common twin flame stages, look into the connection between each stage, and how it can bring harmony into the twin flame union. In addition, this post will cover common questions such as “Are twin flames meant to be together?” or “Can twin flames fall in love?” and more.

All reunion stages are necessary for getting to know your other half, even though some can be associated with wonderful experiences and others are emotionally draining.


Stage One: The Meeting

The meeting stage is a preliminary stage when you will meet your twin flame. This stage is described as a special, unique, and life-altering event a person can experience.

If your twin flame is reincarnated with you at the same time, both of you are fated to meet each other at some point in your life. Both twin flames will go through that stage even if they are not aware of the term “twin flame”.

While there are a certain amount of people who long for that special someone missing from their lives, there are many others who don’t have that longing feeling for someone to feel “complete”.

In my case, for example, there was no need to meet someone else as I was already perfectly happy with everything I had. However, it was a period when I developed a close relationship with God and nature.

Typically you will meet your twin flame when your soul is mature enough, ready for expansion, and have the desire to help others. When you meet your twin, this experience will motivate you to make yourself and those around you stronger, happier, and better.

Not everyone is destined to meet their twin flame in this lifetime. One twin may come to Earth and the other may stay in the etheric realms. Very often twin flames meet each other when their souls are mature enough to go through a spiritual transformation and spirit testing.

Before the meeting, both twins experience unusual synchronicities and the meeting itself will happen unexpectedly.

When twins meet either online or in person, they experience very intense transformational energy which can be very dramatic. The energy is so powerful that many people around Twin Flames start to feel this powerful transforming divine love energy coming from above.

Many twin flames report feeling like electricity flowing through them when they first see or touch each other for the first time.

Both twins often experience a sudden rise in happiness and a state of euphoria. Some are shaken by the intensity of the bonding energy they feel. Twins will be pulled together like magnets and this energy will create a profound and life-altering sense of wholeness.


Stage Two: Twin Flame Recognition

In this stage, there is a sense of recognition as if twin flames have known each other all their life. They might feel like they are finally at “home”.

One of the flames “recognizes” the other as if he already knew you from somewhere. In this stage, many twin flames spend more time getting to know each other with great interest and further developing their friendship or partnership.

One may wonder how you “recognize” someone you’ve never met before. Twins may “recognize” each other by remembering episodes from their past lives, and dreams, or by simply having a familiar feeling.

Often both twin flames are opposites of each other. If one twin is overly organized or responsible, the other twin flame is often messy, relaxed, and doesn’t have a sense of responsibility. While one twin can dramatize everything, the other may be a strong and calm person, his polar opposite.

The twin pair also may have a complementary combination of talents and skill sets that bring confidence and emotional strength.

Unlike the more traditional idea of a soul mate relationship which is built on similarities between the two, a twin flame relationship is often based on differences rather than similarities.

Because your twin flame shares the same soul as you, they may have very similar or the same problems as you, which will make you feel as if you are looking into a mirror.

Because your twin is your mirror, you will notice that they push you to be a better version of yourself and vice versa. You will notice that your purposes are aligned in a way that both of you go through the big soul growth.

Twins may also mirror each other’s negative traits. One twin may share the same vulnerabilities and weaknesses as the other. If one twin has a fear of doing something, the other twin will be scared to do the same thing too.

Twin flames’ birth dates may repeat the numbers or follow each other. When twin flames are born under one zodiac sign they both tend to have similarities in their personality. Both twins can mirror each other based on their characteristics of that sign, e.g., both love to be in charge of things, both can be stubborn, jealous, or even fight with each other.


Stage Three: Twin Flame Connection

During the connection stage, twins get to know each other better, learn what they have in common, form a friendship connection, and support each other. Some twin flames enjoy spending a lot of time together and talking for hours.

In this stage, each twin will learn more about who they are, what lies within the vastness of Creation, and most importantly, how it strengthens their guidance and connection to the Creator, the source of everything.

Both twin flames embody the yin and yang energies that are opposites of each other.

The yin is the feminine energy while the yang is masculine. They are both energetically intertwined and form a whole entity. One side of the soul searches for the missing part (or signature) that the other side has and vice versa. The feminine side has a small part of the masculine, and within the masculine resides a small part of the feminine. This is why both sides always experience the magnetic pull.

Masculine energy is practical, creative, and visionary. When it is out of balance, it can take the form of conflict, control, and anger.

Feminine energy, on the other hand, is nurturing, intelligent, and intuitive when in balance with masculine energy. When it is out of balance, it is vulnerable and weak in its power. Because nothing can be created without balance, the masculine and feminine energies must remain in harmony.

When two flames come together, the relationship is very intense. However, just because there is a very powerful energetic connection between the two, it doesn’t necessarily mean it is chemistry or sexual desire. It means that one half of the soul recognizes its missing part in the other half and wants to stay close, in a way as physical twins do. When two split souls are within a psychic range, they want nothing more than to rejoin again.


Stage Four: The Runner and Chaser

Twin flames are happy to see one another, but because they are overwhelmed by the intensity of their connection and do not know what to do next, they will part ways shortly after. From there they usually move into the Runner and Chaser stage, and these roles may become interchangeable.

Whether you will move to the Runner and Chaser stage or have a more traditional relationship all depends on the maturity of your soul. While some relationships become stronger, others may decline. As the tension increases, it is common for one partner (or both) to distance themselves, stop communicating, and feel defensive and resistant.

There are various reasons why twin flames split. Sometimes there is too much to cope with emotionally. Often there is fear of the level of how close the other can get to you and how they unconsciously know how to push your buttons.

Many twin flames usually don’t have enough self-mastery to maintain a traditional relationship which can result in obsessiveness, co-dependency, and even toxic behavior. The connection stage itself can cause many broken hearts and enormous soul pain for many years.

The separation stage is usually very painful for the Chasers as it seems like someone is ripping their soul away. Since Chasers mostly focus on the typical romantic side of the relationship, they believe that the bond is worth “fighting” for.

Big love can come with big surprises like unhealthy behaviors, jealousy, obsession, a quick temper, and other intense emotions that can turn into emotional, spiritual, and even physical abuse.

Some people would probably disagree with me and say that a true twin flame doesn’t hurt the other. It is not always obvious, but some twins can be in such deep pain from separation, especially if they are a Chaser type, it can throw them off balance. Some Chasers can have big obsessions that require self-control and healing.

How long this stage will last depends, once again, on the spiritual maturity of both twin flames. The Chaser may need to learn to stop chasing, pushing, and “fighting” with the other.

For this type of relationship to work, love must be unconditional, free of co-dependence, free of unrealistic expectations, and not ego-centric.

Some pairs have a happy and healthy relationship with their twin flames. They were able to form a traditional soul mate-like relationship based on respect, equality, and healthy boundaries. They balanced each other out and then experienced the most loving and transformational partnership with a deep emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual connection.

The majority of twin flames, however, may not have a traditional relationship despite having the most powerful connection on earth. Many twins may find this experience to be too intense, necessitating the establishment of boundaries and re-evaluating their experience.

Another common reason for the separation is that not all twin flame pairs are destined to physically meet in person and live together. Everybody has soul contracts and they only can be broken once they are fulfilled.

Some twin flames simply don’t have a soul agreement to live physically with each other and many continue to live with their beloved spouses.  A twin flame should remain in their relationship until their soul agreement is fulfilled if they believe they have a karmic relationship with their spouse to raise children together.

The good news is, the twin flame partnership doesn’t have to match the traditional relationship model. Once twin flames free themselves from the stereotypical thinking about love, love expectations, dating, and the like, they no longer experience feelings of abandonment or loneliness.

When twin flames start to focus on a spiritual aspect of the relationship instead of the physical, they both grow and heal themselves from any pain and anxieties they may have. They can heal their broken heart, and improve their self-esteem and confidence. They learn to follow their intuition and guidance from God instead of following their impulses and emotions.

I personally never thought of my twin as a “romantic partner,” but rather as my soul brother. Even though he was my mirror, we have different lifestyles, beliefs, and expectations. We are each other’s opposites.

You and your twin flame can perfectly co-exist together on earth, a thousand miles apart, and still do important spirit work.


Stage Five: Soul Realization

The main reason why twin flames unite is to achieve oneness with the Higher Soul in the Creator. Our Higher Soul holds the history of all our experiences from the beginning of our existence, information about who we are, and our relationship with God.

When both twin flames are spiritually mature, their higher selves are ready for the union when the time is right. The timing is always scheduled by the Creator, whether the twin flames are aware of it or not.

Both twins are sensitive to the energies of each other, highly empathic with one another, and aware of their feelings and openness to one another.

Part of reaching higher levels of our expansion involves merging with this part of us.  In order to accomplish this, we must undergo great healing to peel away at the layers to “release the old and make room for the new”.  This allows greater light to come into those areas where Loving Light previously was not present. The greater the amount of light coming in, the greater the activations causing a triggering of memories of lifetimes of experiences and innate abilities. – JOANNA SPANO

When twins have balanced their masculine and feminine energies, they typically feel a sense of expansion within them, something larger than their limited identity. When the feeling of expansion occurs, it may indicate they are getting close to Soul Realization and union with the Creator.

There are different stages of Soul Realization. First twins need to realize that they are first and foremost a soul, spiritual being of divine intelligence and love. The mind is merely an instrument of the soul, and our thoughts and feelings are merely its products.

The experience of flames uniting with their Higher Soul and realizing that they are one with their Higher Soul is the next stage of soul realization.

When you become God’s vessel and let God’s Spirit dwell in you, you will experience the following:

  • Peace, clarity, and calmness in the middle of a busy and chaotic work/home environment.
  • Letting go of old emotional baggage and creating positive changes in your life.
  • Using prayers to stay quiet and listen or feel guidance from God.
  • Experiencing the feeling of oneness with your Creator.

The realization that your soul and your Higher Soul are one will occur during the process. When you become one spirit with your Higher Soul, you become one spirit with your Creator.


Stage Six: Joining Of The Souls

Many say that you don’t need to have physical or sexual union with your twin flame and this is absolutely correct!

You can live on different continents and never see each other physically. For the majority of the twin flames, the experience can be solely spiritual.

Merging in love and happiness and/or uniting with your Higher Soul can be done through prayers, dreams, or just by daydreaming in a quiet place. Twin flames must be spiritually ready for the perfect timing set up by God, e.g. by following signs from above and their intuition.

By attuning to the heart center, the energy of knowing, thinking, and feeling, both of the flames will feel connected with intense radiant warmth in their hearts. Their big loving heart center will radiate love, joy, and gratitude. The rest of the soul-bonding is done by the Creator who is a master of our soul transformation.

But he who is joined to the Lord becomes one spirit with him. -1 Corinthians 6:17

From there on you can celebrate your new “glorified” spiritual body and learn how to live with it. It feels truly phenomenal!

So what happens after the two twin souls merge with their Higher Soul?

Twin flame connection is very similar to a relationship with the Creator when a part of one’s soul wants to be with Him to feel complete. It is unconditional love, and not in a sexual way.

All parts of the Higher Soul get intertwined in God Almighty. All parts of the Big Soul will be “glued” together with the energy of love. The energies of twin flames become inseparable.

Twin flame experience is most and foremost mirroring the love of the Creator who loves His creation – the type of love that exists in Heaven and is the basis of all creation.


twin flame quote


The souls of the twins feel complete once they reunite with each other. Nothing on earth can separate the energies of two flames anymore. You and your flame now have a “conjoined” soul for the rest of your physical life on earth.

Both flames are now connected to the Creator as a big vessel that brings an enormous amount of light from above. Their light takes over the bigger portion, absorbs and transmutes the dark, and raises the frequencies on the planet.

Unconditional love is the most powerful energy that created the universe. The more light twin flames bring to the planet through pure unconditional love, the faster our planet is going to shift from darkness into light.


Stage Seven: Life In Symbiosis

Eventually, both twin flames will settle into a very symbiotic existence. In nature, symbiosis in Greek means “existing together”. The twin flame relationship is a permanent energy interaction between two different organisms. Energy symbiosis also means a union of the soul energy similar to conjunctive symbiosis.

Similar to physically conjoined twins, spiritually conjoined twin flames live in a symbiotic mutualistic energy relationship for the rest of their lives. Just like biologically identical twins can feel each other very well, conjoined soul twins share their energy interchangeably.

The energy centers (aka chakras) of one twin flame intertwine with another. The energy of one floats around the energy of the other 24/7.

It truly feels as though you are wearing a unique “soul suit.”

The connection between flames is usually very strong to the point where one flame knows how to hear the soul of the other and they also learn how to hear their soul. Both twin flames feel each other well from a distance and often share the same moods and physical symptoms. If one twin is in pain, the other one will have similar phantom-like sensations.

Twins become “energetically interchangeable” because they can know what the other twin is feeling without verbally saying it. Because of this, one twin might constantly experience the other twin’s emotions. When one twin flame is depressed, the other will be hit hard by it as well.

At this point, it is a good time for one twin flame to learn how to heal the other twin from a distance. One of the most effective methods is to pray to the Creator and ask for healing.

It does take time to get used to this new conjoined spirit. When you constantly feel your twin’s energy hovering and vibrating around your aura, it does initially feel strange and even scary.

Many say it is an incredible feeling when they can feel their twin’s presence with them at all times. Everything becomes much simpler once twins achieve equilibrium in their energies, feelings, and emotions. There will be a sense of peace, acceptance, and mutual understanding.

After the reunion, the hard work is over. All you have to do now is to live and enjoy the sense of wholeness. This is the stage where both twins accept their destiny together.

If twin flames decide to marry other people, there will be always a silent phantom of a “third”. There will be an invisible cord of light and shared energy linking them together in the spiritual realms.

Generally speaking, when it comes to twin flame stages, the separation is a myth. Twin flames may be physically separate, marry other people, and live on different continents, but they are never separated in Spirit. Their souls are always connected because they are first and foremost, soul twins.

Twin flames meet to achieve balance. When they unite they eventually balance their energy within each other and also bring balance into the world. It affects human consciousness as a whole.

Although the Twin Flame relationship brings a lot of pain and a lot of inner work to do, in the end, it is all worth it. Twin Flame love reunion is the most beautiful kind of love a person can experience. The type of love that brings you closer to the Creator in every aspect.

I hope you enjoyed reading about the seven stages of the Twin Flame reunion. If you have any further questions feel free to ask in the comments section below!

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